
EMBC is proud to introduce the KeyArx Group as our new strategic partner for all benefit needs. Known as the “Intelligent Cost Reduction” company, The KeyArx process will allow us (EMBC) to identify what is most important and will then align EMBC with the best in class specialist to design, develop, implement and manage a range of integrated products and programs/services. Typically, they can provide solutions that in a 20-30% reduction in costs.

The KeyArx Group works within the healthcare market with their focus on physician groups, multi-state practices, associations, IPA’s, GPO’s and hospitals.

KeyArx is led by Paul Cella who has 30 years of experience in business and amongst other accomplishments has helped in the design of a disability program the currently insures over 135,000 doctors and 10,000 practices nationally.

We appointed KeyArx because of their vast experience with large groups. Unlike many of the “big players” they take their time to learn and understand every individual company’s needs. KeyArx will take a consultative approach to learn about us individually and not just come out with a one size fits all approach.

We will be introducing you to Paul and his team of experts. You will be hearing from them shortly.


Jay Mullen, MD